The New York State Association of Regional Councils (NYSARC)
Regional Councils provide comprehensive planning for the coordinated growth and development of their regions. By presenting a regional perspective on issues, Regional Councils promote intergovernmental cooperation and facilitate dialogue between state and federal governments and smaller municipalities. Accordingly, NYSARC has developed an ongoing working relationship with a variety of state agencies to deliver state-funded programming on a regional basis. Although NYSARC regions do not include all New York State counties, NYSARC members have the ability to contract with and include non-member counties in various types of programming. NYSARC also works closely with the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), the national membership organization serving the interests of Regional Councils and metropolitan planning organizations.
Statewide Collaborations
An objective of NYSARC is to transfer water program methods and/or products to other areas of the state and other watersheds. The primary benefits of NYSARC include the wide range of program areas, the diversity of local constituencies that NYSARC represents, and ready access to water quality data. As a result, NYSARC is able to efficiently manage water resource programs while offering a comprehensive approach that blends economic development, land use, and water resource concerns.
NYSARC promotes opportunities for regional collaboration within and across regional council boundaries. A map showing NYSARC regions and New York State drainage basins is below. In order to facilitate watershed-based initiatives in an efficient manner, NYSARC works closely with county water quality coordinating committees (WQCCs) and enlists the expertise and services of local agencies such as county planning departments, soil and water conservation districts, and county health departments to reach water protection goals.
Regional Council Services
Regional Councils provide a comprehensive range of services associated with the growth and development of communities in New York State. Program areas within each region vary but often include the following categories:
- Agriculture
- Census
- Community Development
- Economic Development
- Energy
- Environmental Planning
- Flood Mitigation
- Geographic Information Systems
- Human Services
- Land Use
- Local Governmental Assistance
- Stormwater
- Telecommunications
- Transportation Planning
- Water Resource
- Wind Energy
- Source water protection delineation and inventory for the Groundwater Protection Program;
- New York State’s Antidegradation Policy;
- Nonpoint Source Management Plan;
- Unified Watershed Assessment and Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS);
- Stormwater regulations
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
In 2009 NYSDEC awarded ARRA/Clean Water Act Section 604(b) planning funds to eleven Regional Planning Boards and interstate organizations for the development and implementation of green infrastructure plans and water conservation. More information.