HomeSandy Creek Comprehensive Plan
Sandy Creek Survey Results
In early 2011, a community survey was sent to approximately 3100 Residents and business owners in the Town of Sandy Creek. 698 completed surveys were returned during the study period�a 23% response rate. The results of the community survey, and analysis of those results, are posted here for those interested in seeing what the community had to say. The 2011 community survey results, along with an extensive inventory of the Town, will provide the basis for the development of goals and recommendation to be include in the new Town of Sandy Creek Comprehensive Plan. The Plan is expected to be completed during the summer of 2011.
Review the results of the survey.
(0.83 MB)
What Is A Comprehensive Plan?
Town of Sandy Creek Comprehensive Plan (Draft)
Draft Report (8.47 MB)
A comprehensive plan is a public consensus-driven document that will be used by the elected officials in the Town and Village of Sandy Creek as a blueprint for decision making in the future. The plan will include information on the history of Sandy Creek and the changes that have already taken place, in addition to identifying how residents, business owners and other members of the community want the Town and Village of Sandy Creek to look in the future.
The major components of the Town and Village of Sandy Creek Comprehensive Plan will include:
- An assessment of the community trends in population, housing, economics, and land use;
- The identification of the community’s vision for the future;
- A detailed explanation of the goals and objectives for achieving the community’s vision for housing, public facilities, education, public safety, cultural and recreational resources, economic development, and environmental protection; and
- An implementation strategy that states the short, medium, and long-term action items that will support the goals and objectives of the plan.
Why Do We Need A Comprehensive Plan?
The Town of Sandy Creek has experienced significant changes in the past decade. From 1990 to 2000, the population in the Town of Sandy Creek increased by 11.8%, while the Villages of Lacona, Pulaski and Sandy Creek, along with the Town of Richland, lost residents. The population of Oswego County increased by only 0.5%.
In addition to dramatic population increases, the total number of housing units in the Town of Sandy Creek rose by nearly 6% or almost 200 new homes over 10 years. There were small housing increases within the Village, but by far the most growth occurred in the Town outside of the Village. These new homes are being built on large lots throughout the Town, with no organized development pattern. This type of rural development can have severe implications on the Town’s ability to provide emergency services, maintain roadways, and offer other services that are cost effective.
The growth that the Town of Sandy Creek has experienced is exciting. By planning for the future, members of the community can identify where, when, and how development and growth fit in to the community’s overall vision. The new comprehensive plan will help identify ways to balance additional development and land use changes with the preservation of the community’s character, valued environmental resources, and high quality of life.
How Do We Get Started?
The comprehensive planning process is reliant upon the interest and participation of the public. To facilitate the planning process, elected officials from the Town have appointed members of the community to participate on a comprehensive planning committee (CPC). The CPC, comprised of approximately 15 representatives of residents, business owners, and Board Members, will be responsible for encouraging public participation, guiding the planning process, and reviewing and recommending approval of the plan. The CNYRPDB will be responsible for organizing and facilitating the public meetings, compiling public opinions and recommendations, drafting the comprehensive plan, and periodically meeting with representatives from the Town to assess their progress implementing the ideas in the plan.
View the Meetings, Minutes and Agendas page to see when the next Comprehensive Plan Public meeting will be held.