Southern Tier Central Regional Planning and Development Board

Click on a highlighted region on the map above to view Water Resource Programs for that council.
Counties served: Chemung, Schuyler, and Steuben.
8 Denison Parkway East
Corning, NY 14830
Water resource program activities
STC provides technical support for improved management of stormwater runoff in order to prevent local drainage problems, avoid escalating flood risks, and protect water quality.
Seneca Lake
STC is a partner on the Seneca Lake Area Partner in Five Counties (SLAP-5) that developed Setting a Course for Seneca Lake, a watershed Management strategy in Chemung, Ontario, Schuyler and Yates counties for Seneca Lake. STC is also a partner with Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association (SLPWA).
Susquehanna and Chemung River Basins
STC partnered with Southern Tier East RPDB in 2010 to undertake the Susquehanna-Chemung Action Plan for the conservation and protection of water resources in the Susquehanna and Chemung River Basins.
Meads Creek
To promote improved management of the watershed, STC assisted the Meads Creek Watershed Citizens' Committee with development of the Meads Creek Watershed Strategic Action Plan. This plan compiles information about watershed characteristics, documents efforts to implement improved practices, and recommends future activities.
Seeley Creek
The Seeley Creek Watershed Strategic Plan was developed in 2002 to identify opportunities for protecting citizens from hazards, improving hydrologic conditions, and protecting existing water quality in the Seeley Creek Watershed of New York and Pennsylvania.
Chemung Valley
STC co-chaired the Chemung Basin River Trail Partnership that was formed by agencies and residents in 1999 to develop a river trail system in the Chemung Valley and to promote the protection of its watershed. The Partnership was a partner in the Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network, which connects visitors with the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers through 150 exceptional parks, wildlife refuges, museums, sailing ships, historic communities and trails.
The Partnership supported the creation of the not-for-profit Friends of the Chemung River Watershed. STC staff serves on the Board of Directors of The Friends of the Chemung River Watershed whose mission is to protect, preserve and promote the watershed, and to improve economic resources, the quality of life and the natural environment for the residents of the Chemung River Watershed.
Upper Susquehanna Coalition
STC is a partner with the Upper Susquehanna Coalition, a voluntary group of sixteen counties in NY and PA that have pledged to reduce nutrients and sediments that enter the Susquehanna Basin. The top priority for the Coalition is the development of the NYS Tributary Strategy to help states within the Chesapeake Bay watershed voluntarily reduce pollutants before mandatory requirements are enforced. STC serves on the Susquehanna River Basin Commission Water Quality Advisory Committee that addresses water issues throughout the Susquehanna watershed.
Seneca Lake
The Seneca Lake Area Partners in 5 Counties (SLAP-5)work together to protect Seneca Lake. STC was a founding member and continues to assist SLAP-5.
Source Water Assessment Program Plan
STC studied public water systems supplying drinking water to approximately 50 communities as part of the Regional Groundwater Protection Program. This research provides a strong foundation for the statewide Source Water Assessment Program Plan.