Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board

Click on a highlighted region on the map above to view Water Resource Programs for that council.
Counties served: Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Oswego, and Onondaga.
Suite 200
Syracuse, NY 12302
Water resource program activities
Assistance is provided to regulated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) in the Syracuse Urban Area to satisfy the requirements of the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) MS4 Stormwater General Permit.
Oneida Lake and Watershed Management Plan
The CNY RPDB coordinated an Oneida Lake and Watershed Management Plan that involved water monitoring, education programs, and a report with recommendations for the protection and improvement of surface and groundwater resources. Current and historical values for lake and watershed parameters are now being compiled.
Cortland/Onondaga Federation of Kettle Lake Associations
The CNY RPDB provides technical and administrative support for the Cortland/Onondaga Federation of Kettle Lake Associations, made up of four lake associations in Onondaga and Cortland counties.
Onondaga Lake
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contracted with the CNY RPDB to develop the Onondaga Lake Watershed Progress Assessment and Action Strategies (OLWPAAS) and the 2010 State of Onondaga Lake Report.
Green Infrastructure
The CNYRPDB is working on a green infrastructure project to (a) Identify construction projects that will benefit from green stormwater control s, or locations available to support green infrastructure that are in need of stormwater runoff attenuation; and (b) Work with local municipalities to identify areas where stormwater runoff is contributing to water quality issues and flooding and drainage concerns and compile an inventory of stormwater data to determine sites capable of supporting green infrastructure and/or other new or retrofit stormwater control practices.
Regional Nonpoint Source Strategy Meetings
The CNY RPDB works on behalf of the NYSDEC to organize and facilitate Regional Nonpoint Source Strategy meetings. The meetings provide an opportunity for agency representatives in DEC Region 7 to discuss water quality priorities and to maintain open lines of communication.